Monday, November 2, 2009

Freaks: Alive on the Inside

Though this book would not have been my first choice for this beloved book club of mine. It is the most recent novel I have read so I suppose I should tell you 'bout it.

I read it this summer, which feels eons ago, though this book still permeates through my brain because so many things remind me of it.  I chose the book because, naturally, I was drawn to the cover, which is how I always judge my books. The book was essentially about the journey of a horny young man named Abel who in and of himself is a freak purely by being the only normal-bodied person born and raised among side-show performers characterized by their physical deformities.

Out of pure laziness I'll give you the product description:

Abel Dandy feels all alone, a normal teenager who lives in Faeryland, where his parents perform with other "human oddities." His extended family includes dwarves, fat ladies, and Siamese twins, and his first kiss was with Phoebe the Dog-Faced Girl. Everyone has an act to perform, for in 1899 there are not many ways for these "freaks" to earn a living. But what can boring Abel do? Determined to seek adventure and find a girl without a beard to kiss, Abel runs away from home.
But Abel finds a harsh world outside of Faeryland. Nothing seems to go as planned and he is even more alone -- except for a beautiful dancing girl who haunts his dreams and seems connected to his ancient Egyptian scarab ring. After misadventure and mishap (complicated by a little problem he thought he'd left behind), Abel stumbles upon a shabby traveling freak show run by the sinister Dr. Mink. It holds secrets that break his heart. Abel's grand adventure takes a dark and dangerous twist, but the dazzling girl of his dreams beckons him onward as does his own true soul.

There it is for you plain and simple, no twists or turns. The story unfolds exactly as described above, he finds that beautiful girl, who happens to be a mummy and the love of his life in a past life and they live happily ever after.  His end journey was that he realized that everything he was looking for, the acceptance, the adoration was right where he left it.. at home.

At the end of the product description they say "Annette Curtis Klause has woven humor, adventure, history, and fantasy into this exhilarating epic. Step inside and see the show -- if you dare. You will never be the same again"

This book was hardly humorous, the adventure was predictable, and the fantasy was a recount of every teenage coming of age novels where in the end the hero realizes that home IS where the heart is, and what he's been searching for all along is his own acceptance; believe in yourself; your true friends will always be there for you.. blah blah. I stuck it through because I hate leaving a book half-read but I'll tell you, it was not enjoyable in the least.  Abel is a young man who is desperate for love, and while we all have felt that way, his ability to find love in a sexy rotting mummy that becomes more human with his every caress was an awkward and lazy touch to the story that really didn't complete the lesson. Abel leaves his family and everyone he cares about, partly in search for love. He doesn't go through any trials or heartache that are associated with love, he just has to find her and touch her and kapow he's got his babe of a lady-in-waiting (oh not to mention she protects him from all harm and she's a bagillion years older than him but not at the same time because he was her lover in a past life). The storyline of their past life is lame, the idea that they were lovers and the king wasn't cool with it has been done to death.

That new movie cirque du freak's commercial really reminded me of this book.. but god it looks dumb the vampire's assistant? Sounds boring to me.

Sorry for the sucky review guys, but I just didn't like this book and I read it two months ago so I'll try a little harder on the next book. I really need to hit up a library, but in case I can't, I'll probably read kite runner (which is weird for me because I've never read a serious book before)..